Monday, June 30, 2008

Freelance Writing: Speed Write Articles with Customized Templates and Make More Money

One thing that I have learned as a freelance writer that time is extremely important. The amount of time that you spend per article can make a significant difference in the amount of potential money that you can earn. Researching the Internet on improving you odds of making freelance writing money, I came across the technique of using customized templates to speed up your article writing process.

What is a template?

A template is design that you can use over and over. For freelance writing, a template would be a document already set up in your word processing program for you.

What are the advantages to a template for freelance writing?

You can save yourself a great deal of time typing if you sue templates for your writing. For example, I always create my title, article description, and keywords for each of my articles. Instead of having to type these section labels, my template already has them there for me. I can keep my article format clean and usable without retyping over and over keywords, title, article description.

You will be amazed at how much redundant typing you do when you get into the field of freelance writing. The use of templates can save you a great deal of time.

The use of templates can help you stay organized in your writing. I recently joined a product review site. I set up a template in my word processing system that has labels for me to fill in the information for each of my product reviews. For example, the template has product name, product price, product features, product description, where I purchased the product, pros and then cons of the product. Having all of this in a template makes certain that I don’t forget something specific to put in a product review. It also saves time in typing out the information.

Are templates free?

I make my templates in Microsoft Word. They are free to create and have been very helpful.

When is it best to use a template?

I like to use templates for anything that has general format that I am consistently following. This enables me to keep my information organized. I also tend to forget less. It helps to generate ideas when I have a section to fill in for the template.

Top Reason to Work from Home as Freelance Writing Specialist: Make Money at Your Fingertips and Become a Millionaire

Top Reason to Work from Home as Freelance Writing Specialist: Potential to Earn Shared Revenue is Limitless

As a freelance writer, you have the potential to earn limitless income. You can post thousands of articles free for shared ad revenue. Look at me! I have 512 articles on Helium that were all posted free. I’ve been a member since October, 2006. I used to average 30 cents a day in shared ad revenue money and now make around a dime a day.

See I can really plan for the future with that type of work and that kind of shared ad revenue money! But hey the money never stops coming in. Unless of course they ban the account or the site shuts down.

Top Reason to Work from Home as Freelance Writing Specialist: Can Get Rich from Google Ads

Getting rich from Google is a great way to make it to a millionaire in the writing business. Did you know that the average person must have an account for over 6 months to even get to the minimum earnings? But that is alright. You can slave away for 6 months and SEO your work to hope that you get enough traffic and clicks to get Google money.

But wait! One little problem with Google is that when you start reaching the payouts, your account can suddenly be banned for invalid click fraud. That’s right! All that hard work down the drain.

Anyone can randomly and repeatedly click your Google ads and get your account banned for life. Google doesn’t block the ISP fraud clickers but bans the ad publisher.

Top Reason to Work from Home as Freelance Writing Specialist: Free Sick Days

Free sick days are a great perk for work at home freelance writers. Any day that you want to call in sick you can. The days are free. They are free from making a single penny because you don’t have paid sick time! So, definitely the free sick days is a real plus. You can stay in bed and worry about missing a writing deadline or getting nothing done and earning zero dollars for the day. See why they are called free sick days?

Top Reason to Work from Home as Freelance Writing Specialist: You Get Lots of Extra Time on Your Hands

Hey, did you know that when you become a freelance writer that there are now thirty-two hours in a day instead of twenty-four? Seriously! I mean after all, you have your writing goals and then you have a list of things that you need to get done with your writing. Suddenly you are the only one in the house that can mow the yard, cook, clean, answer the phone, help with homework, shop and of course errand run.

Now stop and look at it. The time that you write is only counted toward your day’s work. So it is great to be a writer and get lots of extra time on your hands! After all, we must right? How else do we write so much and get all these other things done?

Top Reason to Work from Home as Freelance Writing Specialist: You Get Paid Lots

I love getting paid so much as writer! I mean, my goal is around three cents a word. But in reality, most Internet freelance writers average around half-a-cent per word! I love getting paid so much as freelance writer.

Another perk is that as a writer, you can average around two bucks an hour! That is so wonderful for single mom’s supporting a family with all that extra time on their hands with the more than twenty-four hour days only allotted to freelance writers!

So, you might say that there are tons of writers on the Internet that make more than that. I’m here to tell you that there are tons more that make only that or less.

Are they bad writers? No!

Do they not work hard enough? No!

But just stop and think of all the people competing with article content on the Internet. Think of all the time spent editing, re-writing, social networking, reading other writers, researching, outlining topics and so forth.

Landing a steady writing gig that does not rely on volume of work is a gold mine in the world of Internet freelance writing!

Top Reason to Work from Home as Freelance Writing Specialist: You Get to Be Popular

Ok, I have to admit that having an audience that actually likes to read your writing work is a perk. It can be fun to come up with ideas that you think will entice your readers. It can actually be fun to sit back and read the comments.

I wasn’t one of those popular kids in school. I wasn’t even very popular in the neighborhood.

It is through my writing that I have become popular. I belong to one website that is for product review writing. I have over 300 friends there!

Can you imagine calling up everyone and saying, hey come over for a picnic this afternoon? I don’t have enough parking space for more than four cars at my house. That would be a mess. However, it does feel good at times to log into different writing sites that I’m on and feel like someone enjoys my writing.

Top Reason to Work from Home as Freelance Writing Specialist: Work in Your Pajamas

One perk of being a freelance writer is that you can work in your pajamas. What other job can you wear pajamas to? Ok. Don’t answer that one.

The majority of the time, freelance writers are doing life chores and errands. In fact, the advice is to get up and get dressed for a regular outside the home job when you are a writer.

Most of the time freelance writers are in their pajamas for one reason. They got dressed for bed. They felt the pressure to get one more article written. They slip off to the keyboard and three hours later they are crawling into bed praying that tomorrow they hit it big in the writing world.

They fall asleep with keywords in their heads. They remember someone on their social network list they forgot to comment on. The alarm rings. They begin yet again.

Creating Bald Cypress Bonsai Tree Shapes for Indoor Gardening

Indoor gardening is a pleasure that you can do virtually year round. The nice feature of indoor gardening is that you can do it in an apartment, condo or virtually any place that you live because there are no additional land requirements or landscaping obstacles. Those new to Bonsai Trees will find that the Bald Cypress Bonsai is a great choice for novice indoor gardeners. There are several things to keep in mind with the Bald Cypress Bonsai indoor gardening.

Getting Started with Bald Cypress Bonsai Gardening

If you want to completely from scratch it is best to opt for the Bald Cypress Bonsai tree that you sense or believe will contour into an exquisite piece of indoor gardening art. The Bald Cypress Bonsai tree can be located in the southern divisions of the US. In the southern regions of the US, it is fairly easy to come across the Bald Cypress Bonsai tree in nature. If, for some reason, you are not able to hit upon the Bald Cypress Bonsai tree or are not in the Southern region, it is best to try one of your local garden stores or perhaps a local nursery. One feature you should check for when selecting the Bald Cypress Bonsai tree is a tree with a tapered trunk. A juvenile, high Bald Cypress Bonsai tree is all right but it is important for you to have some general knowledge about the Bald Cypress Bonsai tree cutting process. Ideally, you should obtain your Bald Cypress Bonsai tree in late winter season or even early fall season. This will make certain that the Bald Cypress Bonsai tree is in the latent phase for when you conduct the initial trunk cut.

Cutting the Bald Cypress Bonsai Tree

Selecting which spot to cut the Bald Cypress Bonsai tree may be a tricky or challenging procedure for novices to this type of indoor gardening. Characteristically, indoor gardeners employ the rule that the height of the Bald Cypress Bonsai tree should be approximately six times the width base of the tree. Do not be alarmed when cutting the Bald Cypress Bonsai tree to fit the formula used by indoor gardeners familiar with Bonsai Tree sculpting. Initially, when you begin this type of indoor gardening, beginners may feel that they are destroying all of their Bald Cypress Bonsai tree's growth. The good news is that the Bald Cypress Bonsai tree will indeed bud out from this initial cutting.

Soil for Growing the Bald Cypress Bonsai Tree

The soil for the Bald Cypress Bonsai tree should be primarily grit and humus combined. You can place pine bark in the container to help it as well. You can purchase specific Bald Cypress Bonsai tree plant fertilizer and should follow the instructions on the container.

Growing and Watering the Bald Cypress Bonsai Tree

After the indoor gardener makes the appropriate height cut, it is important to keep the tree slightly moist. You want light for the tree but do not set it in direct sunlight. The Bald Cypress Bonsai tree will often grow slowly the first season of indoor gardening with it. However, the patience that you give to this wonderful tree will be well worth the wait. It can be very exciting as you watch the Bald Cypress Bonsai tree expand and grow. Keep your Bald Cypress Bonsai tree moist by lightly misting it each day to keep it from drying out and going into a state of permanent dormancy.

Pot for the Bald Cypress Bonsai Tree

The pot for the Bald Cypress Bonsai is the main way that the indoor gardener will display their beautiful sculpting. However, the pot is the life line of the Bald Cypress Bonsai tree and is important. The indoor gardening formula is that the pot’s width should be approximately two-thirds to three-fourths the height of the tree. The planting depth of the Bald Cypress Bonsai tree should be approximately one-third the depth of the pot. The pot’s height should be approximately the same diameter as the Bald Cypress Bonsai tree. Following this general indoor gardening formula will let you know when it is time to transplant your Bald Cypress Bonsai tree. Only transplant during the latency phase to decrease root shock and plant shock.

Pruning the Bald Cypress Bonsai Tree

Once you have done the initial cutting and shaping of the Bald Cypress Bonsai tree, you can trim and prune the bud growths to sculpt and create the ideal shape of the tree for displaying. Make certain to keep it moist and with good humidity. The Bald Cypress Bonsai tree will grow slowly, so do your indoor gardening sculpting slowly and with patience to create the perfect shape and natural sculpture that you want for the wonderful Bald Cypress Bonsai tree. If you prune too much, it will slowly grow back which makes the Bald Cypress Bonsai ideal for new indoor gardeners.

George Carlin Dies: Comedian George Carlin Wins Grammy Awards and Guests On Johnny Carson Over 100 Times

At the age of 71, George Carlin died Sunday night. He will be remembered by many for his incredible humor. George Carlin had many, many different popular comedy pieces that the world will never forget. His work will live on for a very long time.

George Carlin was a favorite guest on the Johnny Carson’s Tonight Show and appeared on the show a 135 times. Two of George Carlin’s comedy albums won Grammy Awards.

We will all miss him greatly. He was one of my favorite comedians of all time. There is just something about his humor that really gets you to think.

One of my favorite things about George Carlin’s work is that he always got me to thinking. For example, he has a piece where he talks about airplanes. Why do we say that we are getting ON an airplane when actuality we are getting into the airplane?

You can read more about him by clicking here.

Business Tips: Taking the Plunge for a New Work at Home Web Business

Many times people feel that they must quit their day job and hope that their new work at home web business is a success. Unless you have the financial backing to this, it is not recommended to take a full time plunge into a new work at home business. How do you get started with your new web business and still pay your bills?

Work at Home Web Business Tips: Join with a Partner

The first step to any successful work at home web business is to find a partner, co-founder or business helper. You need someone that is going to invest both time and money into the new work at home web business.

Why join with a partner for your new work at home web business?

The primary reason is that you need someone to share ideas, test your new business, invest time and money into the business and motivate you. Often, if you go solo it can be a challenge to stay motivated and on target. There are too many distractions that can deter you from being successful in your new work at home web business.

If you have a friend, family member or co-worker that doesn’t have money to invest, still use them to test your work at home web business, provide ideas and to help motivate you. If you know that someone else is counting on you, you will be much less likely to take a break or even give up on the new business.

Work at Home Web Business Tips: Work a Fixed Schedule

One problem that new entrepreneurs in the world of Web business often encounter is the inability to get everything done. Before you know it, a few days or a week have gone by with virtually nothing productive being accomplished for your new work at home web business.

Work a fixed schedule that is a minimum of two specific times during the week. Cut off the telephone. Close your email. Shut down your instant messengers. Let the family know that you will are working and if it is not a fire to please not disturb you.

You must have time to get your business going while you work a full time job. Consider your new work at home web business your second job. If it is successful, then you will be on your way to working it full time and leaving your day job. For example, schedule to work one night a week for two hours and a different night a week for three hours.

Sure you miss a lot of television time and social time. Remember you are the key to your new business. Schedule one of your work times with your partner. This is the only person to communicate with during the work period.

Work at Home Web Business Tips: Know When to Bail Out

Not all ideas are going to work. No matter how much effort you put into it, realize that some new work at home web business ideas are going to fail. Typically, you will have to try several different ideas before you find the right one for you and your partner.

Talk to your partner or co-founder and set a specific goal for a set amount of time. For example, you can set a monetary goal for the business or even a specific number of visitors for the website. Be in agreement with your partner when you are going to bail out of the project. This will save you going through a lot of partners and enable you to either move forward together or to bail together.

Work at Home Web Business Tips: Come Up With Ideas that Test Quickly

Remember, you are working part time on your new work at home web business. You should come up with ideas that test quickly in a specific time frame. Often, people go through several ideas before they find the right one. You do not want to waste months and months before you can test your idea.

Do not get stuck in a rut of working on the same idea for an extremely long time in hopes that it will work. For example, selling customizable luggage tags is easier to test than earning ad revenue for various blogs.

Ideally, you want a work at home web business that focuses on some sort of results in a relatively short time span. If you can’t make it work and come together in just a few months, it is probably time to try a different plan and bail out.

Work at Home Web Business Tips: Use Your Full Time Job for Your New Business

If you are fortunate to work at company that will not fire you, go ahead and spend your lunch hour and breaks researching and building your work at home web business. For example, if you are going to build a new business creating shopping carts for other business owners, you can spend your free time at work learning the latest software programs, coding techniques and popular carts being utilized.

Work at Home Web Business Tips: Learn from Your Competitors

Learn from your competitors. Find out what they are doing to be successful. Apply the techniques and information that you learn to your own work at home web business.

For example, if a particular blog is very popular and your work at home web business is providing blog content find out why the blog is popular. If your work at home web business is selling nutritional health supplements, find out how other sites are doing this so well.

Find out what areas of your niche are doing well and why they are doing well. The time you spend researching can enable you to grow your work at home web business quickly and efficiently. You are learning from others that do not even know they are teaching you.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Adult Party Games Made Simple: Have a Party and Fun Together

There are some great adult party games that you can use when throwing a party for your friends. These types of games don’t have to cost a lot of money. The good news is that you can have good and clean wholesome fun with adult party games.

Adult Party Games Tips: Think about Who is Coming to the Party

Stop and think about who is coming to the party. For example, if everyone coming likes Nascar racing or if everyone likes wrestling there would be different adult party games that you could use for entertainment. Everyone loves a good party to celebrate and enjoy each other’s company.

Plan your adult party games around a central theme that you think everyone will enjoy.

Adult Party Games Tips: Use Variations of Children Games

Do you remember how much fun it was to bob for apples? How about when you used to break a piñata? You can do adult variations of those same types of games. For example, you can have a themed piñata for the adults to break. Instead of filling it with candy, you could fill it with loose change, sports cards, make-up and other items. Use your imagination and the sky is the limit.

Adult Party Games Tips: Plan Ahead for the Party

Bounce your ideas off of a few friends. Thinking together about the party and games that you can enjoy is a good way to decide if something is going to work well or not. If your friends think that the adult party game is boring, chances are others will too. They can help you come up with variations and things that everyone will enjoy.

If you liked this article, you might like to read "Men's Guide to Clothes Shopping: Inside Secrets Revealed".

Monday, June 9, 2008

Have You Considered the Viability of Growing Gardenias Indoors?

Gardenias are beautiful shrubs with green glossy leaves and in summer they bear flowers that have the most amazing perfume – it is pungent but light, aromatic and somewhat heady and is unforgettable once you have smelt its distinct emission of perfume. You walk along the streets and the fragrance is amazing.

Have you ever thought of growing your own gardenia bush? Your garden may not be suitable depending on the structure and drainage of the soil, but you can still grow gardenias – in pots. Apparently, gardenias actually thrive if grown in pots.

Select a vigorous variety of gardenia – Belmont or Miami Supreme. Ensure that they have not become root bound in their pots before you purchase them. Use a clay or terracotta pot 2 inches bigger than the rootball. They prefer an acidic soil (clayey). A good peat based potting soil is recommended and add time release fertilizer pellets and dry ironite. Apply Epsom salts and liquid iron chelate once a month. If they are placed outside in summer they can get the right amount of humidity and will thrive. Shift your potted gardenia after 2pm to a shadier environment.

Be careful of overwatering, over potting and over fertilizing, but, please don’t allow them to get too dry, either. Gardenias are prone to root disease which can be eliminated with the right supplementations as mentioned above. In winter bring your Gardenia indoors and place it in front of your sunniest window. Don’t fertilize in winter for that is when the plant is dormant and doesn’t need fertilizing. Gardenias are prone to aphids, but there is no need to use chemicals and poisons to treat them – just wash them off with the hose whenever you notice them.

If you love gardening and potted plants you are going to be absolutely thrilled if you can grow a gardenia bush successfully. Happy potting!

Grow an Indoor Catcus Garden

You are drawn to all varieties of cactus maybe because you live in a very dry climate with arid land or maybe you just like them simply because they are different. Have you thought of growing them as indoor plants as they require very little maintenance. Cacti are succulents which means they have the ability to store water, unlike conventional pot plants. These plants seem to thrive on neglect but they do require a warm temperature.

There are predominantly two types of cacti – the jungle type and the desert type. The jungle varieties require partial shade whilst their desert counterparts prefer full sun and for this reason alone do not combine the two varieties of cactus in the one container. All cacti should be kept draft free and will not endure if they are placed near a fan or air conditioning duct.

Ensure you pick a pot plant container (preferably terracotta or clay) with drainage holes. The pot plant saucer should contain gravel and there are a few varieties with different colors available. A cacti’s worst enemy is overwatering. Clay and terracotta pots breathe which is a huge plus for growing any variety of cactus. Plant your cactus in soil with good drainage. Potting soil and sand in a mixture of 60/40 is ideal. Please do not use “sea” sand because it contains salt.

You can get a variety of either jungle only of desert only cacti of different heights and structures so you can create an interesting look. Fill your terracotta pot with soil to within 2 inches of its brim and use a spoon to plant your cacti adequately after deciding on how you would like to have them arranged. After being planted and bedded in their pot, arrange a thin layer of gravel, of your desired color, on top of the soil to give them a stunning effect. You can them place them on a sunny window sill where they will do well. Just remember, jungle cacti need partial shade.

Keep in mind that water is a priority when it comes to cacti. During cooler winter months they may only need watering once a month. In the warmer months weekly watering is sufficient, even though you need to water them sparingly. Cacti can be fertilized twice a year but only during the hotter months when the plant is actively growing . Apart from overwatering causing stem rot, mealy bugs and fungus gnats can kill your plant if neglected.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Blogging Money is at Your Fingertips: Are You Really Going to Throw Hundreds of Dollars Away?

Are you really going to throw hundreds of dollars away? If you completely ignore your blog or don’t even have a blog, you could be doing just that.

Blogging is an investment in the future. It is a chance to really fine tune your work. It’s not that hard to do.

Simply take your work that you publish as non-exclusive or free to different websites and toss it up on your blog. So, you spend what another five minutes of your day?

Later when you have a bunch of different topics on your blog, split them up into individual blogs. Toss in a picture to change the page layout and avoid duplication of content. Bold a few words too. That really helps.

Can you really make hundreds from blogging? According to the entire buzz you can.

Right now my blog is just one ad sponsor. I’ve been too lazy to sign up for other ones. My ad sponsor seems to run the same two ads all the time. Hmmm. Maybe when I get a library built up on my blog it will be better? Who knows?

Blogging isn’t immediate satisfaction. It is indeed an investment in the future. Who knows maybe the traffic will come? Mine averages about five hits a day. But I am still going to keep building it up and see what happens.

You Met Over the Internet ? – You’re Kidding Me

Online dating or speed dating has been around for a while now, although a lot of people are aghast at the whole idea.

I have heard it referred to as a “meat market.” And in some cases, this may be all it means to some people – because that is all they want.

Online dating is a medium through which you meet members of the opposite sex for whatever reason. And “Yes” sex is included, if you want it to be.

Isn’t amazing how things get taken out of context! If you want sex and sleaze from an online dating website, I am sure you won’t have to look hard to find it.

Why do people join online dating websites? Could they be lonely? Could they actually be looking for a meaningful relationship? What is wrong with type chatting to members of the opposite sex on an online website? You are sitting in the comfort and safety of your own home, chatting initially to strangers. Strangers are people we have not yet met?

There are perverted people everywhere – you have only got to walk down the main street of any city at night – and you see them. You choose to ignore them and keep on walking. That is how it is on online dating websites. Sure you are going to get hit on by inappropriate people, and if you do, you have the right to shut them down – you can even block them from accessing you and your profile.

Online dating websites are safe, if you keep them safe. Never divulge your phone number or address to anybody you don’t feel comfortable with.

If you arrange to meet somebody over coffee – make sure you do it in a crowded place so that if there is something about this person you don’t like, and the same goes for the other person who may not like you – you can get up from the table, excuse yourself and leave. What have you lost?

On the other hand – “What could you gain?” – maybe your future partner.

What food is on the menu tonight?

What wines do you drink with what food?

It wasn’t too long ago that that particular question was easily answered.

If your meal is based on red meat you drink a red wine. If your meal is based on white meat – you drink a white wine.

It is all to do with conditioning your palette to enhance the flavor of the food you eat.

That sounds simple enough doesn’t it? To accompany a meal consisting of steak or lamb, you choose a red wine. To accompany a meal of pork, chicken or fish, you choose a white wine. So off you go to the liquor outlet and get confronted with innumerable red wines and innumerable white wines – which red or white wine, still or sparkling? Merlot or Claret? Moselle or a Chardonnay? The choices are endless or so it would seem.

If you are just buying a bottle of wine for yourself and/or partner to drink with your meal – depending on your age and taste in wines, the choice is going to be easy.

I am sure that everybody has their own unique favorite when it comes to wine, both in red and white and sparkling and still.

If you are the adventurous type and are willing to give anything a go, you are still going to purchase a wine that is very close in character to your preferred wine of choice. Maybe you would be prepared to purchase a sparkling wine instead of a still wine for a refreshing change.

Wine and wine drinking is synonymous with special events and celebrations.

So you have a very special occasion coming up where you would like to take along some good quality wine to share with your hosts, guests or friends.

Where do you start? You know your tastes in wine and if you are a very observant guest at any special function you can associate different wines with different people – to a point!

Where do you go from here? It is mind boggling when you think of all the wines that are now available on the market, which makes your choice so much harder. Do you purchase still wine or sparkling wine? How do you go middle-of-the-road where wine is concerned when everybody has their own individual taste?

Have you ever noticed at celebratory events that involve wine and wine drinking that, after partaking in a couple of glasses of wine and the atmosphere is relaxed and friendly, people will drink wine that is not necessarily their chosen blend.

If this special event is associated with a meal, maybe the meal will dictate the nature of the wine you take along and will assist you with your choice of either a white wine or a red wine. A dry wine or a sweet wine? The majority of women will partake in a glass of moselle – light to medium and fruity. Men on the other hand may prefer a bolder, dry tasting red wine or a milder, somewhat fruitier middle of the road red wine like Mateus.

Naturally, you are going to purchase a wine that both you and your partner enjoy, even if the embodiment of those particular wines are poles apart in themselves. Wine drinking is an individual thing – you are not going to please everyone, so you may as well please yourself.

Top Things Not To Do In Tornadoes

With this crazy weather, there have been lots of tornadoes in many parts of the world. It is important to consider your safety in tornadoes. This piece is written with humor and is not at all recommended that you actually follow these suggestions when tornadoes are around. Having said that; I hope that you enjoy this humor piece and feel free to add your own suggestions as well in the comment section.

My heartfelt prayers go out to people that have been in tornadoes or suffered from the damage of tornadoes. I hope that this humor piece does not offend anyone since tornadoes are a serious threat and very dangerous.

Top Things Not To Do In Tornadoes: Finish Making Your Drinks or Guzzle a Six Pack

When tornadoes are around, you really won’t have time to go to the bathroom. Don’t finish making your drinks or guzzle down the last six pack in the refrigerator.

Top Things Not To Do In Tornadoes: Wait to Put Clothes in the Dryer

Ok, you know that when tornadoes are around there is going to be a lot of dirt, grime and general filth. Wait until after the tornadoes pass to put your last load of clothes on the rinse cycle and then toss in the dryer. If you stand there waiting on the rinse cycle with tornadoes around you really are just wasting your time.

Top Things Not To Do In Tornadoes: Walk the Dog

One of the worst places for you or your dog during tornadoes is out in the open. If there are tornadoes in the area, it probably won’t matter much if your dog goes potty in the house. Besides, one of the safest places in many homes is the bathroom. You and your family pooch can both be in the bathroom and if he accidently goes it is a breeze to quickly clean up.

Top Things Not To Do In Tornadoes: Get on MySpace and Message All Your MySpace Friends

When the tornadoes are out of the area, then you can get on MySpace and tell all your MySpace friends how you survived a tornado. Most likely, your computer is near a window or in a very open room. Windows are very dangerous during tornadoes because of all the glass. Just text message your MySpace friends regular emails from your cell phone while you sit safely in a closet or bathroom in your home.

Top Reasons to Hate MySpace

As many of you know, MySpace is a social network site that millions of people view daily. There are teens, older people and possibly even aliens that have pages on MySpace. It is literally one of the largest social network sites on the Internet. So much so, that other people have built clones and renamed them with fancy names to try and gather the same type of attention and web traffic.

Top Reasons to Hate MySpace: Teen Ground

MySpace is filled with way too many teens. There are teen pictures, teen feuds, teen puppy love and more. Ewwww!

Top Reasons to Hate MySpace: Aliens are Hidden

You know that with all that stuff sitting there in cyber space that the aliens somewhere have to be picking it up. And with humans having so much fun on MySpace, then you know the logical conclusion! Aliens are on MySpace are obviously hiding and cloaking themselves as humans.

Top Reasons to Hate MySpace: Don’t Pay You

There are sites similar to MySpace that pay you to put up your profile page, read and answer your social email and even to do actions to each other. MySpace doesn’t pay you a dime! Shame on them for letting you have fun without payment.

Top Reasons to Hate MySpace: Too Many Options

Have you looked at all the options on MySpace? There are so many different ways you can customize it and make your little MySpace page that people are even writing tutorials on them! If you got to read a tutorial or instruction book, I don’t want to be a part of it. It’s no fun reading directions! Just ask my husband.

Top 5 Ways to Get Rid of a Friend

There are times in your life that a relationship needs to come to an end. You are no longer interested in dating someone or perhaps having a person as a friend. But instead of just telling them up front to get lost, why not try out some of these humor ideas? After all, you probably will not hurt anyone’s feelings using these.

Top Ways to Get Rid of a Friend #1: Stink them Out
Stop using toilet paper, deodorant, soap or even water and stink out your friend or person you are dating. They will probably gag and run for cover. The family dog might not like you either!

Top Ways to Get Rid of a Friend #2: Borrow Money from them Each Time You See Them
Even if it is only a few bucks, every time that you see the friend or go dating with them, borrow money. Of course you never pay it back and this will really irritate them. They’ll either start coming around you with an empty wallet or get out of your life.

Top Ways to Get Rid of a Friend #3: Charge Them for the Time Together
If you have to drive to meet the friend or date, charge them for gas. If they come to visit you, charge them for using the bathroom, for a glass of water and even for sharing the same air space that you do. Make sure you do this after borrowing a few bucks from them.

Top Ways to Get Rid of a Friend #4: Show Them Your Poo
After you use the bathroom at their house, show them your poo. Tell them what a great job you did and how proud you are that you just had to share this with them. Kids being potty trained do it, so why not repulse a friend and do this? If you’re out eating, ask them to come in the bathroom so you can show them your poo and fret that someone might have flushed it when you came back out to tell them.

Top Ways to Get Rid of a Friend #5: Pick Your Nose and Clip Your Nails
Pick your nose in front of them. You can just casually wipe it on them if you want. And of course, clip your nails with them and let the nail clippings fly all over the place.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Are You Ever Going to Learn? Get Your Relationship With Your Wife Back on Track?

You and your Wife have been at odds over some relationship issues for far too long. During this unsettling time for the both of you, you were unfaithful to her and maybe she has been unfaithful to you too. There are certain aspects in her behavior towards you that you need her to change and you have been able to communicate that need to her, to the point of her wanting another chance to try and change her
behavior towards you.

You have agreed not to cheat on her as long as you perceive she is trying to improve
her behavior towards you. And she has agreed to be faithful to you also. You have been married for many years and although physically you have not abandoned her, maybe emotionally you may have.

The both of you have a long haul ahead of you but, if you are both committed to the relationship and you have both agreed to work on your differences, that’s a positive point on which to start.

The next step is, she needs to change in her behavior towards you. You also have to take a part in this issue by supporting your Wife while she tries to initiate changes in her behavior towards you. If her efforts to change are not supported by you, she will have no encouragement to change for you – you need to realize that.

Time has passed and you are happier with how your wife treats you except for her lack of sexual libido. If you can acknowledge that she has made noticeable changes in her behavior for you, you may have to accept the lack of intimacy in your relationship. Please understand where your wife is coming from and honor her and your relationship by not making an issue of “your” sexual needs of her.

And, don’t even think of cheating on her again, if she has forgiven you your past transgressions. Both of you need time to heal and move forwards with your intimate relationship when the time is right for the both of you.

Be patient and nurture your relationship with your Wife – don’t throw it away by being unfaithful after you can acknowledge the fact she is trying so hard to make things right between the two of you.