I decided to give the hot topic of Swine Flu a try on eHow. Now, initially I was going to do an non-exclusive on Associated Content and re-post on Bukisa. But then I got to thinking. What if the Swine Flu topics turned out to be hot? I'd be gravely limiting my money potential from these work at home articles.
Here are my results from Swine Flu eHow's:
One day old Swine Flu Ehow's Results
How to Handle Swine Flu and Pregnancy (a pregnant friend gave me this idea).. I have 0 ratings, 0 comments but I did manage to make 24 cents. At the time of this blog posting, eHow has the Swine Flu article with 0 views. Since I only make money if someone actually clicks a Google Ad from my article page, there had to be some views for this one! I advertised this Swine Flu article on Twitter, Facebook and my friend did it on MySpace.
How to Stop Swine Flu in the Elderly ( I used to work with the elderly).. I have 0 ratings, 0 comments and 0 page views. There were no earnings the first 24 hours of this article. I was actually surprised someone didn't click on one of the Google ad links from this article because the ads matched up very well. This was advertised on Twitter and Face Book.
How to Avoid Swine Flu during Travel was the third one I did less than 24 hours ago. This one has 0 ratings, 0 comments and 0 page views. It earned nothing so far. It was advertised on Twitter and Facebook as well. I'm not as pleased with the ads on this article as the other ones.
Alright moving right along... the next Swine Flu eHow article was posted on April 29th.. 3 days ago from this blog posting. How did it do?
How to Earn Swin Flu Passive Income has had a reasonably good response. There are 5 ratings and it has 3.5 stars and 33 page views. It has earned 19 cents so far. There is one comment on it. I think the outright boldness of suggesting to write about Swine Flu topic and subtopics offended some people's sense of morality and made them feel I was encourage ambulance chasing.
This article was advertised on Associated Content, Twitter, MySpace and Facebook. I'm surprised it only shows 33 page views with all the advertising. But then again..... it is a perhaps controversial topic. I'm not sure what to make of this one.
I started my experiment with Swine Flu articles and topics 5 days ago on the 27th. In previous posts about my eHow money, I've stated that for some articles it seems they really need to be a minimum of 5 days old to get money. Some do sooner like the Swine Flu and Pregnancy but those I still view as lucky hits.

How to Get Swine Flu Ready was my second article on eHow for the Swine Flu. It has received 3 ratings and is at 3.5 stars. There is one comment on the bottom of it. EHow is showing this article to have 597 views at the last update. How much has it made in 5 days? This article has made $3.75 so far in just 5 days!
Ok now comes the really good part. The first Swine Flu article I put up 5 days ago from the time of this blog posting was How to Stop From Getting the Swine Flu. Notice the difference in the title target key words? This article has recieved 2 ratings with the current rating being 3 stars. There are 0 comments. There are 805 views showing. The ads are great on this one. How much as it made in 5 days in eHow money? In just 5 days, this article has made $6.12.
The bottom line is for 5 articles and about 1 hour's worth of time writing, I have earned $10.30 in just 5 days from a hot topic keyword.
The disadvantage is .... when the Swine Flu is no longer hot, these are not evergreen How-To's and will probably sit months with no earnings.
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