Many work from home writers are taking advantage of the Swine Flu panic that is spreading throughout the United States. You will find numerous articles about the Swine Flu and even notice a significant jump in page views.
I write for eHow. I am a new member. Many of you are following my journey on eHow.
My Swine Flu articles have had a significant jump in page views, that I don't normally recieve. This is because eHow is a great place for people to go to learn how to stop from getting Swine Flu, how to get Swine Flu ready or other information about Swine Flu.
I've seen posts on eHow that other writers are also seeing a jump in page views and passive income from their Swine Flu related how-to's.
Don't write for eHow? Concerned that eHow is becoming flooded with how-to's for Swine Flu? No problem!
There are SIX WAYS you can earn a passive income from the topic of Swine Flu.
I listed all six ways in a How to Earn Swine Flu Passive Income on eHow.
You can click here to read the article and show some page love. Be kind and don't rate them 1 star. Someone has been downrating my stars. While it doesn't hurt earnings, it does hurt my pride. I spent a lot of time researching and looking around to come up with the six ways to earn Swine Flu passive income. It was hard work. But, I'm glad to share this secret with others.
Unfortunately, the Swine Flu is going to be around for a while. People are going to want new information about the flu, how to prevent it, treat it and so forth.
If you need topics for the Swine Flu try homeopathic flu remedies, stress reduction, ways to build your immune system for starting topics. Talk about how the Swine Flu scare has changed behaviors of people around you and even yourself.
Pass along the link to this article and the how to article for making a passive income from Swine Flu.
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