Thursday, July 30, 2009

How do you earn on eHow?

I've had several people ask me how do you earn on eHow. Do you make money on each article? You write articles from home. You then submit them to eHow. You don't earn upfront money. Your articles are posted live on eHow. Then others can come to the articles you write from home. They can join eHow and comment and star rate your articles.

If you write articles from home and post for free, how do you earn money? You earn money when people read the ads that are on the page of your articles. If someone clicks the ad on the article page, you earn a small portion of the ad revenue that was generated. How much of a percentage do you earn? That secret isn't revealed by eHow.

Can you earn enough to pay your bills on eHow? Some authors on eHow are writing articles from home and earning over $1,000 a month. I'm not that lucky yet.

Some authors strike it rich with a "golden ticket" article. This is an article that does exceptionally well in the eHow site. It booms overnight! These articles will get you a lot of money from eHow. I haven't had one of those yet either.

For the average writer that writes articles from home, you need to post your articles. Wait for your articles to age at least 2 to 4 months. This puts the articles you write from home in the Google index. Then you should expect to make an average of around $1 an article that you have that is of age.

If you need say $200 a month for gas. Work and get up 200 articles. Then you can expect to make around $200 a month on eHow to cover your gas. It's really easy to do.

Write the articles and count down the days until they age. Just think at $1 an article.. if you have an article sit on eHow for 12 months.. you can earn $12 for that article. That's a good investment of time from home to earn money writing articles.

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