Friday, May 29, 2009

No I Don't Promote WAHM Articles

A friend of mine asked me if it was really worth my time writing from home and trying to pay bills in this hard economic time. I have to admit that it has been a bigger struggle for me in the past 6 months than it has in previous years. Upfront offers for articles written from home are significantly lower than this same time period as last year. The amount of traffic and thus page view bonus money is also significantly lower.

That brought to question then how much time I spend promoting my work at home articles that I submit for upfront payment and for page view money. Of course the articles that I ghost write from home for direct payment aren't figured into that.

I don't really promote my WAHM articles. I just don't have the time to be honest. I use the widgets for automatic posting or notification on Facebook and Twitter. That is about it. I have a Digg Account, Stumbleupon and a few other social bookmarks that I can't even remember. However, I'd rather spend my time writing than promoting.

One person tried to tell me that they made around $500 a month on Associated Content Page views. While this is possible, I'm a tad skeptical. I looked at their view numbers for 3 consecutive months and by my calculations, they're at right around half that in page view money. They promote heavily, write often and comment heavily.

Is it worth the time to promote? I'm not really sure at this point. One day when I have enough residual income coming in to pay my bills, I'll experiment with it. Right now, my focus is on making my monthly bills and doing the other stuff between assignments that currently put food on the table.

Things such as this blog don't make any money for me. Some of my other endeavors don't either. But I do them because I enjoy them. Who knows? One day they may make money for me and I'll have a nice stream of residual income from them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your milestone! I've been at eHow for a while (I'm jpaint25 over there), and it definitely is worth the effort. I have around 150 articles, and I haven't added many in recent months - but I'll still earn about $350 this month from them! I love residual earnings. Oh, for the record - I don't promote at all :)