Monday, April 20, 2009

eHow Earnings Doubled Up Again

I couldn't be more pleased than I was when I went to my eHow earnings today. I have three articles that are making more than a buck each in this short time. I've only been writing articles for 17 days and am already almost at the eHow minimum money payout of $10. This is so great!!!

What have I learned so far?

It really does appear that age has a factor on how well your articles will do. My older articles are drawing in a higher percentage of money than my new eHow written articles. Hower, there was one article (How to Get Cheap RV Rentals) that was up less than 24 hours and received eHow money.

I think that the inbound or backlinks to the individual eHow articles is also important. Every single article that I have posted on eHow has been posted on my Facebook page. I also have backlinks from Bukisa, Associated Content, a few on Twitter, and a handful on MySpace.

The third thing that I had heard, learned in the eHow tutorial books and seen on the forum was keywords are imperative in your eHow articles. I do believe this to be true. Some of my articles that have earned nothing so far have poor ads on them. Later, I intend to go edit and tweak the keywords a little bit more.

I'm feeling optimistic!!

I truly feel that it is possible for my financial goals to be met through eHow. The trick seems to be getting enough articles posted and learning more about which ones will draw quality traffic and have their ads clicked.

I hope to reach $1,000 a month in eHow money

I am at 88 articles published on eHow. I hope to soon reach the 100 article goal mark. After that, I want to go for 150, 200 and so forth until I eventually have up 500 articles. I don't expect to do this anytime soon.

However, if the average people make is $2 per eHow article, then it stands to readon that with 500, I would make a virtually guaranteed thousand bucks on eHow per month. If some hit pay dirt and do exceptionally, well then I won't have to write 500 eHow articles to reach my $1,000 monthly goal.

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